Other Heating Assistance Programs
Metro Community Action Partnership
LIHEAP (Low-Income Home
Energy Assistance Program)
(502) 574-HEAT
Assists low-income households facing a home heating crisis by offering
seasonal financial assistance to prevent utility cut-off. Subsidy monies
available in Nov. - Dec. using an alphabetized application system. Crisis
assistance available Jan. - Mar. (or until funds run out) for people
facing disconnection of utilities; co-payment may be required for those
who apply. Call for hours of operation or more information.
LG&E WeCare Weatherization Program 1-800-251-7808
Installs weatherization materials for qualified income eligible residents.
LG&E Home Energy Analysis
A trained energy specialist will show you how you can lower your monthly
bills and reduce your energy use. Cost is $25 and can include
weatherization products.
Louisville Metro Housing (Weatherization)(502) 574-4377
Installs weatherization materials for low income Louisville Metro
Project WARM (www.projectwarm.org)
(502) 636-WARM (9276)
Local non-profit agency that provides free weatherization and energy
education for low-income, elderly and disabled individuals.